May 1, 2008

Ep. 2 Electricity privatisation + more

Our first week live in studio!

It was all about electricity privatisation this week:

Libby caught up with John Kaye from the NSW Greens to get the goss and background the state governments propossed electricty sell off.
Download here

James caught up with Holly Crenaune from Friends of the Earth Sydney to here about what trouble electricity privatisation could cause for our efforts dealing with greenhouse emissions and the rally at the state labor conference.
Download here

We also had a chat about some recently released figures on fuel efficiency and a chat about the outcomes of the 2020 summit.

This Weeks Events to check out:

Thursday - 01/05/08
A Climate for Change - head down to UNSWs law theatre 530-7pm to hear some talks on renewable, climate refugees and the student movement

Saturday 03/05/08
Stop the Sell-Off Rally
Join the Climate contingent to show your opposition on NSW electricity privatisation. 930am Sydney Convention Centre Darling Harbour

Also, we will try and get a podcast of our pilot show up here next week.

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